Whether you’re trying to get your dream package, get your kids to do something, or buy a home, negotiation skills come in handy in many situations in our lives. 


This is very true in my real estate adventures over the last year as we’ve been trying to buy a lake property. After 2 attempts that didn’t go the way we planned, we finally got something (yay), but I don’t consider the last two attempts as failures. 


What did I learn from the deals that didn’t go through? 


In this episode, I share more lessons from my lake home misadventures and how we can apply them to employee negotiations. 



Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


- A lessons in when to walk away 

Do we reserve the right to back out from something that won’t work for us?


- Failed negotiations aren’t a failure 

What lessons can we extract from the negotiations that stall or even collapse entirely?


- To counter or not to counter 

How do we know it’s fine to accept the deal instead of holding out for something better?