A few months ago, I set a word for the year and a powerful intention to go with it- less. In a world of overachieving and stressful schedules, I decided to try experimenting with less, and it’s been an interesting journey. 


Whether it’s at work or at home, mercilessly purging things that don’t serve us gives us a lot of energy, but how do we go about it? 


In this episode, I share an update on how I’m doing in my pursuit of ‘less’ and my tips for doing the same. 



Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 


- How to get rid of schedule clutter 

Does our ego make it difficult for us to purge tasks that don’t serve us as work and how do we overcome it?


- My decluttering discovery

In constantly buying and holding onto stuff we don’t really need, are we neglecting the impact clutter can have on us?


- Purging energy zappers from your work 

How do we eliminate well-meaning commitments that are actually limitations in disguise?