To contribute to the Bening Family

Are you a mom? 

Do you struggle with frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt?

Is your day-to-day mundane sometimes overwhelming? 

You are not alone!

Welcome to the first episode of a special series specifically created with you in mind to champion you to overcome the overwhelm of motherhood through faith, Enneagram, and simple plans.

I want to invite you to follow this new series to learn how your personality weaknesses can become strengths and go from surviving to thriving in life and motherhood. 

In this first episode of the series I’ll explain the  #1 way the Enneagram empowers you to be the Mom Your Kids need. 

I’ll dive into the three ways the Enneagram provides spiritual growth. 

And, why the Enneagram can be dangerous. 

Let’s discover how to love your mothering style-  because You are the Mom your kids’ need.

By the way, I don’t want you to miss out on the Enneagram Guidebook for Moms that I created to help guide you to better understand your personality Type.

You’ll Learn more about your superpowers, overcome your weaknesses and get simple steps to better connect with those you love. 

Get your copy here!

Learn more about the origins of the Enneagram and if it's a resource Christians should use in epsiodes #158, #159, & #160 - listen on your favorite app or watch my IGTV series