Have you ever felt lonely? 

I know I have and more than once. Because not long ago I had three little babies, in a city where I still felt like a stranger, and I was down right lonely.

And what was already a lonely road is even more lonely because over the last year, you and I have found ourselves more isolated and more divided than ever. 

So, what is a mama to do? Especially if you face intense physical limitations and ongoing lock downs?

Well, today I have a few ideas to help pull you out of that lonely place and empower you to take the next step out of your loneliness.  

And I'm sharing how I found connection in one of the most surprising places….

If you want to connect over zoom for a 15-minute consult to talk about discovering your Enneagram Type or how my Wholehearted Coaching Sessions can help you overcome your frustration, overwhelm, and self-doubt in motherhood- schedule an appointment today!

Looking for the Motherhood and Enneagram Guidebook? Download your free copy.