Managing change and driving innovation have rapidly become top priorities for financial executives; however, it’s often difficult to keep up with the fast pace of change and fit these challenging tasks into an already packed to-do list. Join host Damien Martin and change and project management specialists John Gamble and Gary Farrar for an informative discussion on leading change in any organization that was tapped in front of a live audience at a Financial Executives International event in Chicago, IL on February 27, 2020. This special two-part interview covers strategic perspectives on change management and an opportunity to hear about and learn from BKD’s internal innovation efforts. Here’s what’s covered:

“Change is all around us, some that’s in our control and some that’s not” @4:37 Perspectives on change management from the AICPA @6:58 It can be overwhelming @9:44 External drivers of change @11:01 Two basic questions you need to ask to be relevant and successful in a future that looks different than today @14:43 Two basic disciplines @17:13 The process of successful personal change @22:40 The psychology of going through change @29:12 What’s a project? @31:28 Characteristics of a good project manager @35:26 What should you do if you don’t have a project manager on the team @39:37 Is project management still relevant? @42:52 The triple constraints that define any project @45:49 How do you instill passion to your team to get behind a project? @48:13 Why do 70 percent of project fail? @50:53 How to engage passive listeners on the team @52:17 Tips for being a project management by default @56:48 Portfolio management for project management @57:54

Learn more about our guests here.


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