Can you describe the characteristics of a great board member or the critical role boards play in the success of all types and sizes of organizations? Find out from guest Dan Prater, as he joins host Damien Martin to discuss the qualities and activities of a strong board and share best practices for any board member. Take a look at what’s covered:

Why are boards important? @01:59 Roles and purposes of board members @03:00 Considerations for new board members @04:15 Identifying a strong board @06:01 What kind of board member does my organization need me to be? @08:04 The most important question for a board to ask @09:20 How to stay relevant as an organization @10:55 Considerations for finding the right board members @13:32 Diversity of thought is critical @16:28 Social return on investment @20:26 Best practices of the best organizations @22:25 Founders who won’t move forward and let go @25:46

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