Today on the Simply Straight Talk Show, Reggie Maddox is discussing bad reasons to enter into a relationship.

When you're deciding whether you're ready to get into a relationship, you must ensure that you are doing it with the best intentions. A key factor is determining how you're feeling about yourself. It's impossible to be in a healthy relationship when you're not in a good place or emotionally stable. People get into relationship for all sorts of reasons and often they are not with the best intentions. 

In some cases, an individual may base their need to be in a relationship on their current circumstances. In other words, they feel the answer to their financial problems, living situation, loneliness, emotional state or social status may improve if they are actively engaged in a relationship. Relationships are never going to succeed if they developed based on one person looking for resolutions to their problems from someone else. 

Entering relationships for the wrong reason can have a long-term effect on the person, who believed you were interested them for something serious. Matters of the heart are never easily forgotten. 

So in this episode we are sharing the wrong reasons to get into a relationship, because being lonely just isn't good enough.