Welcome to the Simply Straight Show! Today Reggie is talking about money and sex and how its effects impact relationships between men and women.

Some people would say that men only view women as a sex object; while others believe that women only look at men as ATM machines. We must remember that there are men and women who are generous with money and accommodating in bed. So, why are there so many individuals who insist that each gender only has one agenda when they encounter the opposite sex.

Each gender has established their complaint about the other, but are these complaints valid? Have both genders failed to accept responsibility for their roles of how they are viewed? Consider what you post on social media or how you communicate to others on a daily basis.

Consider the possibility that our attitudes and behaviors concerning money are programmed by our experiences and teachings from our family. Many of us carry the lessons from our past into our future relationships, the bad and good. We all know that money is the motivational factor for many people. After all its needed for food, housing, transportation and entertainment. Sex is for some is a sign of affection, commitment and bonding.

Today we are going to offer some tips on how to deal with the struggle between men and women on sex and money in relationships. Don’t forget to share, like and comment on the show.




