On this episode of the Simply Straight Talk Show, Reggie is discussing Relationships and break-ups. 

When you're single and searching for that one special person, the thought of finding a healthy, loving relationship can seem disheartening. Some people prefer to date the old-fashioned way, while others may prefer the process of modern dating. The modern way of dating is built around technology. Online dating requires a person to make a dating profile that stands out, looking through your matches, and of course, actually going out on dates. It can take a lot of time and effort to find a fulfilling relationship. Honestly,  that might not be exactly what you want to hear, the good news is that dating, although challenging, can also be fun and rewarding, especially if you are practicing healthy and safe dating habits.

Everyone wants to find that one person to spend time with on special days. Someone to share their most special moments and intimate secrets. Life can be so fulfilling when you have someone to go home to, call/text to say I miss or expressing your feelings of love to each other. 

Relationships can be magical but they can also become a dramatic nightmare. A successful relationship will consist of trust, compromise, good communication and knowing who you are as an individual. This is extremely important especially if you are bringing someone else into your life. How can you expect another person to understand you, If you don't understand who you are and what you truly need and expect in a relationship? Not to mention what are you able to give to someone else.  

As you listen to today's show tell us what are your thoughts on relationships? How do you think break-ups can be handled better? Do you have a break-up story you want to share?




