Next Episode: I Need Answers

Thank you for joining us here on the Simply Straight Talk Show. Today we are talking about the situations people are placed in when they are being targeted by their job to make them quit verses people quitting on their on own. 

Employees don't leave organizations, they leave bad leadership. The worst place an employee can be, is stuck in an organization with a micro-manager who doesn't care about their development and there are no opportunities for growth and advancement.

Employees want meaningful work, and they want respect in the workplace. No matter how great a company’s products and/or services may be, if management is dysfunctional, that company will have serious problems. Here are some of the topics that will be discussed in today's show. 

Unethical or shady business practices Nick picking work environment.  Limiting or restricting growth opportunities Isolating and favoritism environment Non-challenging work environment and accomplishments I’m the manager and I do things my way

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