Welcome to the Simply Straight Talk podcast with your host Reggie. Have you ever met someone and everything inside was saying this is the right person for you, but the timing was not, right? There may be a variety of reasons regarding why you and this person are not able to pursue a relationship. For example, you’re in a relationship, finances, living situation or your mental state.  Situations like this can also manifest a multitude of emotions which may send you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Now we must ask ourselves what is the next move? For some people this may sound like a ridiculous question. But consider why some people cheat or have resentment for their current mate. In some cases, a person will begin to see themselves in a negative way that leads to depression. Everyone wants to connect with that special someone but when it’s the wrong time decisions must be made and questions need to be answered.

Let’s get this conversation started! Don’t forget to comment, like and subscribe to out podcast.