Welcome to the Simply Straight Talk show with you host Reggie Maddox. On Today's show Reggie is sharing some movies that you should watch with your lover. 

One of the best ways to enjoy some time with your significant other is a Netflix and chill night or a Hulu and chill night, but this night should be more than just quietly watching TV or to set a mood.

Yes movies are created to entertain us, but that doesn’t mean that we watch films just for laughs. Couples need movies that can inspire conversation and deepen the mental connection they have with one another. The key is to find films that explore the male and female perspective of relationships.

Unfortunately many couples may struggle finding the right movie. Some people may prefer fantasy, sci-fi or drama, while others may prefer action. So both couples must remained opened minded to expand their movie likes. 

Even though you and your partner may prefer different film styles and themes, there are certain movies that are almost guaranteed to be meaningful for both of you.

In this podcast I have shared a list of movies that I think couples can watch and enjoy together. The movies have a mixture of action, laughter and drama. Remember the goal is to enjoy open dialogue to learn about each other. 

Tell what movies you would add to this list and please don't forget to like, comment and share.




