In some ways women really don’t understand the struggles men deal with internally. Traditionally were considered to be the providers and the head of the house. In today's society this has changed in the majority of households. Despite this change many people underestimate the struggles men deal with internally when comes to their family, professional and personal life. 

Today, Reggie Maddox is going to discuss several areas in which men are hesitant to discuss with others. Often times men may behave in a certain way on certain days  in which his partner may find to be confusing. Misinterpreting his behavior with the wrong response can cause him to him to take his emotions into a deeper area of isolation. Communication is the key to any relationship (friends, family, co-workers and of course marriage). 

This is not to disregard the struggle of women as we all know they have their struggles as well. On the other hand, resources and assistant for men is extremely limited. But men may be less likely to admit when they feel vulnerable, whether to themselves, friends, or a GP. They also can be more reluctant than women to see a doctor.

Let's talk about this and see what we can learn from each other. Don't forget to comment and share you thoughts.