Previous Episode: Dealing With Criticism


 Today on the Simply Straight Talk show, your host Reggie Maddox is discussing some of things people do that drive us crazy. Some of us have a high patience level while others have limited to no patience. 

People have a way of making you laugh or wanting to create a new dictionary for vulgar words. Something absolutely minuscule can really get under your skin and turn a perfectly good day into something out of Apocalypse Now. It might not make much sense to you, but the other person may feel as if their behavior is normal.

Honestly, I am sure you have witnessed people doing some of the craziest things in stores, restaurants, parks, theaters, parking lots or other public places. Somethings result from a person lacking common sense while other acts border on stupidity. For example, individuals who go to the movies and wait until the person in the ticket office ask them which movie they are viewing. Now for some this may not seem like a big deal but with today’s technology, movie showtimes can viewed anywhere. Also, if you have been standing in line for 3 to 5 minutes pick a movie please!

So what are some of things you have observed in your daily travels that drives you crazy. As you listen to this episode, share you thoughts on the list from Reggie of things that drives him crazy.