Welcome to the Simply Straight Talk show with your host Reggie Maddox. Today’s Reggie is digging into the topic of is sex on the first date a good or terrible thing.  Honestly the answer to this question will vary depending on the individual and their lifestyle or beliefs. But Reggie is curious as to what his listeners thought about sex on the first date. So that’s why this conversation is being presented to you.

In the modern dating world people are staying in the dating game longer than ever before, men and women are experiencing a lot regarding the changes in dating strategies. For instance, modern women have a more independent mindset, and some prefer to be the aggressor. While some men have decided to sit back and wait, since women are taking more control. In some cases, the men are saying well let me see what offers I can get, yet more traditional men are confused by the entire process.

Making the decision to become intimate on the first date can result from a variety or reasons in which we will discuss in this episode. Some people feel that engaging in sex can ruin a relationship, while others feel it’s good to know what you are getting in the bedroom before you get to deep in emotions.

To add to all of that, the growing trend of online dating could make things a little more complicated: After constantly using the right swipes, some people may become infatuated over a few messages, which only amplifies any fears or the possibility of being heartbroken. Online dating makes it easy to view person and determine if you have a physical attraction to them. Which could lead to a rushed decision or a lasting relationship/

As you listen to the show, share your thoughts and comments with us.




