Over the past year, there has been a storm of sexual assault charges in America, especially in the entertainment industry. We also have cases of men paying hefty sum of child support for kids who is not theirs biologically. This also comes with the concern from many that due process is being ignored, and a person word is 100% facts. Sexual assaults do happen, but so do false accusations. Pointing out false accusations does not take away from supporting sexual assault survivors, because false accusations devalue actual incidents of actual sexual assaults.

I truly believe that all women should be heard, but not all women should be believed. Some women have been subjected to horrible acts of sexual violence, and the perpetrators should be punished and that is a fact. Women still should be encouraged to report their assaults and seek justice.

On the other hand, what are the effects of the individual accused? Does anyone consider the loses a person suffers from being falsely accused? Even when it comes to child support, numerous men have been forced to pay child support for children that does not belong to them. Even if it has been determined that he is not the father, he is not going to get back the money back. The child support laws need to be revamped to benefit both sides and ensure the child receives the proper care.

So, listen to the show and don’t forget to share your thoughts.




