Welcome to the Simply Straight Talk Show with your host Reggie Maddox and the one and only Angelique Franklin. 

Today's show will discuss healthy eating and exercises as well as some tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. All over the world people struggle with starting or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. At times it can be overwhelming researching and experimenting with the ever-saturated commercialized weight loss programs and exercise regiments that are presented across every media platform.

Angelique and Reggie will share their own experiences in fitness and weight loss as well some insight that may benefit others as well.

Staying motivated to keep going Understanding benefits of good health practices Determining your true motivation for weight loss/healthy lifestyle Negative influences and body comparisons Summer bodies Tasty food and eating habits

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The content of this show is about health, fitness, and nutritional information, and is designed for educational purposes only. This information is not to be used as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatments. Always consult your physician or health-care professional before implement or altering your fitness or dietary activity.