Thank you for being apart of the Simply Straight Talk Podcast. Today your host Reggie Maddox is going to talk about emotional independence and how it affects you. 

Emotional independence is a process in which we learn how to use self- control and positive motivation over our internal status. On the other hand, some people rely on  “situational happiness.” Situational happiness occurs when a person depends on outside circumstances/people  to provide provide them with gratification and well-being. Each of us have a predetermined mindset of how we want our outside world to operate around us, and if we don’t get it then we are left frustrated and unhappy. Those who learn to live their life with emotional independence , are able to find happiness that is independent of life circumstances, materialistic things or depending on other people

Today's show will share some tips on how to begin the path to emotional independence while rooting out the myths of being stress free through emotional independence. Don't forget to like, subscribe and comment.