Welcome to the Simply Straight Talk Podcast with your hosts Angelique and Reggie. In this episode, they are discussing “Forgiveness and Shame”. We also discuss Angelique new website; the link is located below.

Sometimes we feel shame because we have been taught to think of ourselves as wrong or broken. Shame can occur when past choices haunt us or when we feel regret for what we did to someone else, including things we have done to ourselves. Without self-forgiveness, your shame may lead you to do things for which you feel even more ashamed. Emotionally you may begin to build shame on top of shame.

Forgiveness is the act of forgiving yourself or someone else for something they have done that has offended you or caused you some form of emotional or physical pain. To forgive someone is to let go of any harsh or judgmental feelings for a specific act. Many people struggle with forgiveness because speaking the words, “I forgive you” is a lot easier than forgetting the actions of a person that hurt. Especially it that person was a family member or close friend.

This discussion will share some tips and advice regarding forgiveness and shame. Share your thoughts and comments with us on how you deal with forgiveness and shame.

Check out Angelique’s Website: https://www.phoenixrises.online/