Today on the Simply Straight Talk Podcast, Reggie is discussing the dating myths that many have heard or base our dating strategy on when going out.

Like urban legends, there are so many beliefs that seem credible when a person has experienced an emotional letdown but most of them only have a small amount of truth running through them, our world is full of dating myths. Often people recovering from a bad dating experience may feel like some negative dating tips make sense. In fact, the misinformation created from these myths keeps many people from successfully meeting someone or dating effectively. How many of these myths have you reviewed in your mind while on a date?

People who have been dating for a brief period of time are normally more open to the possibilities of the date being a good starting point for a great relationship. However, after a few years, a person may become burned out from dating. This may lead to a person creating or applying myths to any potential date in the future.  Not to mention, some people are strongly influenced by the experience of others regarding their own dating life.

As you listen to todays show, tell us what you think about these dating myths. Do you have any myths that you would add to this list?