Previous Episode: Are Men Needed for Parenting

 Insecurity is a common issue that can significantly impact one's relationships. It is not uncommon for individuals experiencing insecurity to project their fears onto their partners, leading to significant problems in the relationship. People who face insecurity may experience a lack of confidence and worry about their ability to succeed in the relationship and meet their goals. These emotions may arise from past experiences and can become a significant burden over time. Addressing and overcoming these insecurities is crucial for building self-confidence and enhancing the overall health of the relationship. It is essential to remember that everyone faces their own struggles, and seeking support is a perfectly acceptable way to address these issues.

In this episode we are going to talk about two types of insecurities and share some signs of insecurity.

Situational insecurity refers to the feeling of uncertainty or unfamiliarity when doing something for the first time. Examples include having sexual intercourse, running a race, being in the company of strangers, or going to a place where people are well-dressed or attractive.

On the other hand, self-imposed insecurity is rooted in a person's past experiences or current circumstances and is more about their own thoughts and feelings. It may stem from financial difficulties, career instability, medical or mental health issues, sexual performance issues, or the onset of aging. Multiple failed relationships may also contribute to this insecurity.