Today’s episode is a little bit different than our regular programming around here, as we are commemorating Pentecost with a reading of the book of Ruth! In the first part of the episode, my friend, and worship pastor, Kevin Perry and I will unpack why this unique book of the Bible carries such a powerful punch, the history that makes various moments significant, and how we can see our Savior foretold in this beautiful story of redemption. Why commemorate Pentecost with a reading of this particular book? What is Pentecost anyway? We’ll absolutely address that and so much more as we celebrate the first fruits of the Church, and celebrate the way our Redeemer tells a story. 

I hope you enjoy this conversation and this beautiful reading of Ruth! I want to say a HUGE thank you to our cast of characters for giving us their time and their talents: Kevin and Alicia Perry, David Wilkinson (host of the fabulous Dad Matters Podcast!), Chris and Stephanie Teauge (check out their beautiful music Out of the Dust), edited, produced and a little voice work by the best husband in the world, Andrew Humphries. 

I pray this leaves you encouraged, friend. The same God who can work this kind of beauty from smoldering ashes,  can and will work in your life too.


Esther Reading on Simply Stories 


Festival of Weeks

The Mission of the Body of Christ - Russ Ramsey

The Bible Binge Podcast: Ruth episode

“From Now On” - The Greatest Showman


Downton Abbey

Demons: What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness - Dr. Michael Heiser

A Refuge Assured - Jocelyn Green

Whiskey Rebellion

Jewish Calendar for barley harvest

Kinsman redeemer

Levirate marriage

The northern kingdom

Northern Kingdom exile

Scripture References:

The book of Acts

God gives the Law through Moses

The book of Judges

Judges 21:25- In those days there was no ruler in Israel

Deuteronomy 17-34, Psalm 91- God says in Deuteronomy: famine is one of the judgement

Daniel 3:18- If not He is still good

Isaiah 61:1-3- Beauty from the ashes

Esther 4:14 - Deliverance will come from another place

Matthew 1- Rahab and Ruth part of the lineage of their Messiah

Genesis 13- Lot and Abraham

Genesis 19-Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 19:30-38-Lot’s daughters

Genesis 6

Ruth 1:16-  your people will be my people

Deuteronomy 24:19- law written for gleaning (esp for the widows and the poor)

Judges 19 -Gross last chapter of Judges (UGH. That’s all I have to say about that. UGH.)

Joshua 2- Rahab’s story in Jericho

Genesis 38- Judah and Tamar

Mark 12:30-31- Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself

Acts 2:14-36-Peter’s first Spirit filled sermon

Micah 5

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*Intro and Outro music by

*Edited and produced by the world’s best husband, Andrew Humphries