Today on the podcast I am getting to chat with the absolutely incredible Cordila Jochim. Cordila, affectionately known as Cor, is a beautiful force of a human being with a story that will blow you away. Cor experienced a traumatic brain injury as a child and it began a domino effect through her physical, emotional and spiritual well being that would ultimately leave her bed bound for a decade. Her new book From the Core: A Spiritual Journey of Losing Everything and Finding Hope is literally just that, a memoir that details her story and ultimately led her to find faith in God who redeems all broken things. 

If anyone can speak powerfully into this strange season of covid19, its Cor. After spending nearly 40 years in her very own wilderness of isolation and feeling completely cut off from life on the outside, she speaks with passion and conviction about the healing and freedom that can come from a life given over to Christ. We were made for resurrected life, and it is possible no matter our circumstances. Don’t you give up on hope, friends. Hope has not given up on you. 

When we started our conversation, we got hit with several technical difficulties that made us have to stop and start several times, but what ultimately came out was such a beautiful and passionate conversation about what God can do, our value, and the beauty that can come from the ashes. We went so deep and so wide, I ended up busting this guy up into two parts! So join us today for part 1 and stay tuned for part 2 Tuesday!

If you are anxious to get connected with Cor and get a glimpse into her book, she is actually reading it chapter by chapter on her youtube page! AND if you want to hear the FULL conversation with Cor and I, start to finish without having to wait for part 2, you can actually view our conversation on her youtube page as well! You’ll get some more candid moments between us and more. I kind of love that you can see that.. And I’m possibly praying through making that a thing… stay tuned on that. OH! And one more thing, y’all were the FIRST to hear about Cor’s upcoming workbook!! If you are curious about that, hop over to her website and sign up for her newsletter so that you can get those details as they come!


Cor’s book From the Core: A Spiritual Journey of Losing Everything and Finding Hope


Traumatic Brain Injury

The TED Talk she references about Kids at Hope (which Cor accidentally called Kids(dot)org) Kids at Hope organization 

The second assault and open head vs. closed head injury

Natasha Richardson (Liam Neeson’s wife)

Autonomic nervous system

Two episodes of this podcast discuss what happens in the mind/heart/spirit when wrestling with suicidal thoughts. The first with abuse survivor Jennifer Greenberg and the other with local therapist Lauren Martin. Stand for life, friend.

“Real World Seattle”

Andrew Peterson’s “Matthew Begats” song that sings through the lineage of Christ

Hear Cor read chapters of her book AND our conversation via video on her YouTube page

Scripture References: 

Luke 22- Judas’ betrayal

Luke 22:54-62- Peter’s betrayal

John 21:15-17-Peter’s repentance

Book of Ruth

Joshua 2- Rahab

John 6:68- “Where else would we go?’ 

Isaiah 42:16- “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known before”

Isaiah 43:19- “I am making rivers in the wasteland”

1 Corinthians 15:58- The Lord wastes nothing

Genesis 2:15- God gave Adam and Eve a job

Connecting with Cor:





From the Core Workshops

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*Intro and Outro music by