Today on the podcast is the oh so lovely, Kristen Strong. Kristen’s most recent book Back Roads to Belonging: Unexpected Paths to Finding Your Place and Your People, provides really intentional insight from her experience as a military wife and how she often had to pick up and start over with relationships and figuring out exactly where it was she belonged as they changed locations, as she entered the different seasons of motherhood and just navigated the sheer challenge that is adult friendships. Back Roads to Belonging is a great read for anyone trying to navigate meaningful relationships, but I think this conversation in tandem with pieces of her book brings some great thoughts to the forefront as we navigate how to feel a sense of belonging to the Lord and to others during this pandemic where we can’t physically be together, but we can still be part of one another’s lives. 

Relationships matter, even though they are hard work. As we figure out what reentry into society and the process of discerning the next right steps looks like, remember that even if it takes work to press in and reconnect with your people, don’t give up if it feels funky or hard. Press in. Pray. There’s still room at the table, you belong, even if we’re still figuring out how to set it in this season. It matters that you are here. You matter. 

Kristen and I, and mostly I, want to ask for some grace on this episode because we were battling some major technological and internet issues, but I promise it's worth sticking with us! Find ways to hear the episode, check out Kristen’s books and more below!


Annie F. Downs episode with Kristen Strong 

 Back Roads to Belonging: Unexpected Paths to Finding Your Place and Your People

Jane Pauley

Katie Couric

Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry you Through Life’s Transitions by Kristen Strong

Gladiator” - “we will meet again but not yet”

None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different From Us (and why that’s a good thing)  by Jen Wilkin 

Max Lucado Coronavirus Checkins 

Katelyn’s episode and story of hope and surviving cancer - Part 1 and Part 2


OK to Wake Clock

“Darkness fell. His friends scattered. All hope seemed lost. But Heaven just started counting to three.” - Bob Goff


Job 36:22-24. "God's power is unlimited. He needs no teachers to guide or correct him. Others have praised God for what he has done, so join with them."

Psalm 16:5-6 - “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places”

Hosea 3:5- His goodness is the end

Psalm 84:11- No good thing does the Lord withhold 

Proverbs 16:4-14- (MSG) Everything has a purpose

Luke 24 - The first Easter there was just scared people in a house

Hebrews 13:5- He will never leave us or forsake us

1 Peter 1:3- He died to give us hope

John 16:33- In this world you will have trouble, but take heart

Exodus 12: Passover story

Esther’s story (you can also hear a reading of it on our podcast!

Isaiah 42:16-I will lead the blind by ways they have not known before

Psalm 27:13- We land on the hope of God

Hebrews 6:19- We cling to the anchor of our soul


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