Today is the day we get to talk all things enneagram over on the podcast with my friend and enneagram coach, Chelsea Bastoky! If you’re unsure of what the enneagram is, the enneagram is a self- awareness tool that helps us understand how God wired us and where parts of our personalities can trip us up, or help us grow. This episode will give a quick look of what it is and how it is (and is NOT) helpful, but instead of an overview of the nine types and how they each work, this is a deeper look into parts of the enneagram that are often misunderstood such as wings, triads, and what it means to act out of stress and growth.

If might be helpful if you’re not as familiar with the enneagram to pause, and seek out one of the resources in the show notes to get you caught up on what it is. OR pull up a chair and take a deep dive with us and learn along the way. Chelsea does such a fantastic job breaking down big concepts and portraying them in tangible pictures of application. I love her heart for the Gospel and to encourage others to grow in to who God has made you to be.

During this time where many of us feel overwhelmed and isolated, this could be the perfect time to unpack how God made you and what habits you have developed to respond to the world around you. Chelsea has created an incredible resource where she breaks down what she discusses with us in this episode as a free download! (Thank you, Chelsea!) You can find ways to download that here. Since most of us are having to move our conversations to video and phone chatting as it is, let me also suggest that Chelsea offers her coaching services via those same resources and it would be a worthwhile and timely investment.

My ultimate prayer is that today someone walks away from this knowing that God made them to be who they are on purpose. We all have room to grow, and these kinds of tools can help us find ways to do just that. You are worth the work, friend. 



-Ruth Graham’s story

-The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile

-The Voice of the Heart- Chip Dodd

-Parenting with Heart- Chip Dodd and Stephen James

-Beth McCord

*Scripture References:

-John 16:33 -in this world you will have trouble

-2 Samuel 11-David is supposed to be at war, then he sees Bathsheeba

-John 15:12- love one another

-Psalm 139:14- You are uniquely and wonderfully made

-1 Corinthians 12- we all have spiritual gifts

-Psalm 130:1- out of the depths I cry to you

-Jonah 2:2- from Sheol I cry to you

-Genesis 2- life in the Garden with the Lord

-Genesis 3- the Fall

-John 11- Jesus weeping at Lazarus’ tomb

-Deuteronomy 31:8- He goes before you

-Ecclesiastes 4:12- a cord of 3 strands is not easily broken

*Podcasts to Introduce you to the Enneagram:

-Emerge Podcast w/ Beth McCord

-Annie F. Downs’ Enneasummer Series


*Chelsea has created an incredible resource that outlines the things she covers in this episode with wings, moving to places of growth and stress, and triads. You can find that here! *

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*Intro and Outro music by