Today I have the pleasure of sharing my conversation with the absolutely amazing Ann Swindell. Ann is a woman who overflows with the love of God, and a desire to use her words for His glory, and to encourage others to do the same. This is the second time I’ve gotten to have Ann on the podcast, but literally, every time I encounter Ann in life, I feel like I glean something new about the Lord, and the same absolutely can be said about our conversation today. 

Over the last couple of years, Ann found herself in a season where she desperately needed the peace of God in situations that felt ripe with anxiety, confusion, and big questions for the Lord. In that process, God led her on a journey through scripture examining the lives of men and women who were put in incredibly difficult situations, but God was their peace in it. Then, they obeyed the call God put on their lives, and He blessed them. Whether that played out in some kind of resolution or fulfilled promise or just the blessing of His presence, God has always been faithful to those who call on His name. Ann then poured out what she learned from that journey into her new book The Path to Peace: Experiencing God’s Comfort When You’re Overwhelmed. You’ll get to hear about that, and more about the goodness of God and how to cling to Him, wait for Him, and trust Him at all times. 

I absolutely love Ann’s heart. She makes me want to know Jesus more, and I hope that hearing from her today calls you to draw near to God too. No matter where you are today, friend, I want you to remember that you matter, and your story matters. 

Connecting with Ann:

Newest book




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First time Ann was on the podcast - Episode 19

Writing with Grace 

Normal, IL

Still Waiting: Hope for When God Doesn’t Give You What You Want


Sarah’s choice to give Hagar to Abraham still has implications to this very day

Overcome- the Greek word has an overtone of victory- νενίκηκα

Amanda Cleary-Eastep 

Scripture References:

Lamentations 3:21-24 (my favorite of the MANY) God is faithful

Psalm 27:13- ( “   “) God is good

Psalm 116:5-9- (“    “) God is kind

Matthew 9:20-22,Mark 5:25-34,Luke 8:43-48- The bleeding woman in scripture

Isaiah 40:31- Those who wait on the Lord 

2 Corinthians 4:18- Keep our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen

Psalm 27:13-14, Psalm 46:10, Psalm 130: 5-6, Be still and wait for the Lord

Exodus 14:14- He will fight for you

Psalm 121:1-2- Lift our eyes to the hills, our help comes from the Lord 

Psalm 18:2 (a fave of many) God is our defender

Philippians 4:19- (“   “) God is our provider

Psalm 94:17-19 (NLT) My hope will be renewed in God

John 16:7-14, 2 Corinthians 3:14-18-, 2 Corinthians 5:17His Spirit transforms

Exodus 2- Moses in a basket

Exodus 14- Moses at parting the Red Sea 

Exodus 3-4, 17, 32 (to name a few of arguing with God) Moses was terrified of what God had called him to and Moses argued with God MULTIPLE times

Exodus 4:1-13-“Lord please send someone else!”


Luke 1- Mary the Mother of Jesus

Acts 9:1-19- Paul (We’ll just share his conversion, but he wrote A LOT of his story within his letters

Genesis 18 and 21- Sarah

Hebrews 11 “Heroes of the faith” 

Judges 4- Deborah 

Exodus 2:11-15- Big whoops with Moses

Judges 6:11-27 AND Judges 6:33-40- Gideon also got to debate with God

Sometimes God answers with “I am the Lord” (Zachariah, Job, etc) 

Exodus 4:14-31- I’ll bring you your brother to you 

Exodus 17:12-14- I’ll send people to hold up your hands

Numbers 20:1-13- Moses wasn’t allowed in the Promised Land

Deuteronomy 34- God did show Him the Land

John 14:27- I don’t give peace as the world gives, take heart for I have overcome the world 

Genesis 12- Sarai and Abram leave everything they know, and totally uproot everything to follow a God they just came to know 

Genesis 12:10-20 AND Genesis 20- Abram’s lie that puts Sarai at risk, IT HAPPENS TWICE and the Lord sees her situation and He comes to her rescue

Hebrews 11:11-Sarah is counted in Hebrews as a woman of great faith

Genesis 16 AND Genesis 21:8-21- Sarah horribly mistreated Hagar

Genesis 16:13-Hagar is the first person who gets to name God “the God who sees” 

John 16:33- Take heart for I have overcome the world 

Philppians 4:7- Peace that surpasses understanding 

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