Today I get to share with you my conversation with Amber Albee Swenson. Amber is a wife, a Mom, a Bible Study author and teacher of the Word. She deeply wants to help other people know the Word of God, to help them know and love God more,  and she wants to try and make God’s Word practical and applicable for people no matter what season they’re in. Amber shared with me where God has moved in her life and how He’s taught her the power of forgiveness, perseverance and seeing God’s faithfulness every step of the way. 

Today is Good Friday, which is the day we remember the crucifixion of Christ. I hope that the gift of His life and His love falls fresh on you today from this conversation. No matter what’s held you back, the pain you’ve faced, the hurt you’ve felt from people, the confusion you may carry towards Christians, that doesn’t change the power of the truth: Jesus died and rose again so that You would know how loved you are. He can take your hurt. He invites you too. Life is hard. Amber reminded us in this conversation that the important things in God’s kingdom are going to be hard, but we also can remember that we will never be alone, forgiveness is worth the risk, and Jesus can and will meet us and lead us in all of it. 

This is a word of encouragement for the weary. This is a word for those that don’t know what to do with the reality around them. This is a word for those who don’t know how to even get to the Gospel because of the noise in their way. This is a word for the ones who don’t know how to go back to church. Whether you hear this on Easter weekend, or some other day of the year, know that the Lord still cares for you. There is a place for you in the family of God. 

He is risen, friend. You matter to Him. Your story matters. 


Connecting with Amber:








-Her book/study Chosen for More

-Time of Grace media ministry (podcast, videos, blogs)

-Gifted for More- Dr. Bruce Becker

-Jackie Hill Perry

-”Let the lion out”- Actual quote by Charles Spurgeon :: ““The Word of God is like a lion. You don’t 

have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.”

-Paul and Barnabas reconcile 

-Conflict in the Church during Vietnam 

-The Book of Psalms

-The Book of Proverbs

-Lamps tied to the ancients’ feet 

Scripture References:

Exodus 3:7-22-Moses telling God all the reasons it was a bad idea for him to be a leader

Romans 5:3-5, Philippians 3:14-the call to persevere 

Deuteronomy 32:4, Joshua 21:45, Lamentations 3:21-23, Psalm 33:4 -God is faithful (to name a few :))

Deuteronomy 31:6--He does not leave you 

Philippians 4:13-We do things through HIS strength

Isaiah 40:29-31-He will give strength to the weary

Matthew 11:28-30-Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened 

Matthew 6:11-Give us this day our daily bread 

1 Kings 19-Elijah, and he’s had it, and the angel of the Lord appears to him. 

1 Kings 17:2-16-Elijah fed by ravens

1 Kings 18:16-19:18-Ahab blames Elijah for everything 

Matthew 26:69-75, Luke 22:54-62-One of Peter’s worst moments

Acts 9:1, Acts 22:20-One of Saul’s worst moments

Mark 10:35-45-One of John and James’ (sons of thunder) worst moments 

Genesis 3-Eve’s worst moment 

Ruth 2:1-3, 8-18-Ruth’s determination to survive

Esther 4-Esther didn’t want this job

John 21:15-25-Peter.. God love him, God still said He can use him. 

Judges 4-Deborah 

Galatians 2:11-21-Paul confronts Peter 

Acts 15:36-16:10-Paul and Barnabas part ways over John Mark

2 Timothy 4:10-Paul talks about people deserting him 

Ephesians 2:19-22-Christ is the cornerstone of the Church 

2 Timothy 1:9-Grace and mercy in Jesus 

Matthew 27:54-Truly He is the Son of God

Jeremiah 29:11-The Lord has a plan for you. 

Ephesians 2:10-We are God’s handiwork 

1 Corinthians 12:4-31-We each have spiritual gifts, We’re a body with different members but each called according to a purpose 

John 10:10,Luke 22:31,1 Peter 5:8-Satan seeks to kill and destroy 

Proverbs 27:17-iron sharpening iron

Colossians 1:18-Christ is the head 

1 Corinthians 12:12-27-we’re called to be the body //we’re called to unity (not uniformity)

Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26- Christ’s body broken for us

Matthew 22:15-22-Jesus being pushed to take a stand

John 8:1-11-Woman caught in adultery

Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 43:1-7, 41:13, Philippians 4:6-7 -Do not fear (the most repeated command in scripture, but here are a few)

Psalm 139:23-24-David prayed “search me” 

Matthew 6:9-13-The Lord’s Prayer and forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-35-The parable of the unmerciful servant 

Mark 14:27-52- Disciples leaving Jesus after arrest 

Luke 22- Judas’ betrayal

John 21:1-17-Breakfast with his Savior

Matthew 26:69-75, Luke 22:54-62-Peter’s betrayal

Romans 12:2- Be transformed by the renewal of your mind 

Galatians 1:11-2:21- Paul being on fire for the Lord and being called to learn instead of go

Acts 16:6- Paul wanted to go to Asia and God said no

Psalm 119:105- Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

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