Today I have the pleasure of sharing with you my conversation with Jenny Albers. Jenny is an author and a speaker who courageously shares her story of miscarriage and loss to encourage other women who are walking in a similar journey. Her book Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss is a beautiful offering of how to cling to hope and deal with all the trauma that comes with trying to grow your family after knowing loss. In this conversation she shares with me her story, where she is of learning how to cling to God after having so much heartbreak happen, and how she continued functioning in a marriage, as a parent, as a person while battling grief, guilt, confusion and fear  

We also talk about the often undiscussed, and secretive parts of what women dealing with miscarriage or women who have had a baby, but don’t have a baby at home, and how the hush hush nature of this conversation can really wrap women up in a narrative of shame that keeps them from being able to heal at all. And this is an issue that affects so many women, the statistics say something like 1 in 8 women will experience miscarriage. This conversation is for the women who have this as part of their story, the people that have never known it, but want to be there for someone they know who has, and for just anyone who needs to remember how to cling to God when truly heartbreaking loss happens in life. I also realize that this is a very tender place for so many, and I hope that this episode serves as a safe place for your heart and your story. 

No matter where you are, friend, I just want to remind you: You matter, and your story matters. God is not finished with your story. He will carry it through to the day of completion. Thanks for hanging out with me and I’ll see you next time. 

Connecting with Jenny Albers: 

Book: Courageously Expecting: 30 Days of Encouragement for Pregnancy After Loss






Today’s episode sponsor: Tony Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty

Home buyer guide:

Seller guide:






Ectopic pregnancy 

Statistics of miscarriage among women 

Jewish laws and women and blood 

Lisa Bevere

Jesus experienced great emotion

Still Loved


Scripture References:

Ephesians 2:19-22, and a list of other verses! (disclaimer: I don’t know anything about that website, I just saw a great compilation list of scriptures!) – The cornerstone of Christ can’t change 

Genesis 3:16 -Eve in the Garden– from what I’m reading… only pain in childbirth and struggle for control with husband. Super fascinating

Luke 8:43-48-The woman with the issue of blood

Matthew 26:28, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 9:22, a list of more verses -By blood we are saved

Leviticus 12:2-5, Leviticus 15-16, -Rules about women in the Bible and blood about CLEANLINESS

Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:11-14-God’s law about “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” and not eating it. 

Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28 -God does have plans and purpose for us

Genesis 50:20, Psalm 30:11-12-He can turn awful things into good

Lamentations 3, Psalm 91 (just a couple of examples)-Lament in praise, prayer 

1 Samuel 1:9-28-Hannah’s prayer 

Genesis 2-We were made for the garden of Eden and walking with God

2 Chronicles 7:14-(one of MANY examples)-God invites us to cry out to Him

Genesis 16:13-He is the God who sees

Psalm 121-He is the God who helps

Isaiah 41-God says “I will help”

Hebrews 4:15-God came and put on flesh and bone and became a High Priest who sympathizes 

Psalm 34:18-God is close to the brokenhearted 

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