Today we are continuing to talk about living lives of Kingdom influence, discipleship and working out what it looks like to live out our faith with two incredible women, Amy Davison and Hillary Morgan Ferrer of Mama Bear Apologetics. 

Hillary is the founder of Mama Bear Apologetics. What is apologetics exactly? Hillary will talk about that with us in this conversation, but essentially it is making a case for why we believe our faith is true. Does the Bible stand up to scrutiny? How does what we believe coincide with how we live? We’ll break that down, define what it means to have a worldview, how that plays out in our postmodern culture, and more. Hillary’s hope is that Mom is the apologist for every home, and she feels called to equip women to bring conversations that develop a worldview and help their kids process their questions, safely process their doubts, and learn how to look for answers. Amy was on the path of pursuing masters in theology and apologetics and encountered Hillary’s work with MBA and reached out because she wanted to be a part of the work, and wa-lah! Their amazing ministry partnership and friendship was born :)

These women are passionate about equipping families to know how to engage their world through the lens of their faith. We’ll tackle especially what our kids are encountering in the world they live in. Amy says, “Every facet of media is communicating a worldview.” We want to be able to equip ourselves and our kids with how to filter and process what they are seeing. They also want to press into places where the Bible and God’s call to live a certain way has been weaponized, and bring into the Light what is true and what has just been perceived to be true. The heart of MBA isn’t to do more shouting though, but to equip us to work through our own beliefs, and then follow God’s call to love our neighbors where they are. 

We are not called to disparage or as Hillary says “be the playground morality police,” but we’re called to live counter culturally in a postmodern, post-Christian society and love our neighbor as ourselves. This is hard and holy work, friends, but it is soooo good and I can’t wait to dive into it with you! Whether you’re a Mama or not, this episode and the work of MBA is incredible, and I know you’re going to learn and be stretched here.  

The Lord can take our questions. He can stand up to our scrutiny. We see Him all throughout scripture invite questions and He meets people right where they are, because their relationship with Him matters to Him. And you matter, friend. Your story matters. 


Connecting with Hillary, Amy and Mama Bear Apologetics:

Hillary Morgan-Ferrer

Amy Davison 

Books (the most recent one is Mama Bear Apologetics: Guide to Sexuality)






Episode Sponsor: Hopefuel



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Apologetics for Women (several interesting articles and resources here, here and here)

Woman Hillary mentioned who shares her testimony on the MBA podcast  (Part 1 and Part 2

First Mamabear book: Mamabear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

Southwestern Theological Seminary's Stand Firm Conference

Lindsey Medenwaldt, (Love her talking about what turned her on to apologetics here)

My episode with John Basie where we talk about living in a post Christian society 

“Ji-Young” An Asian-American puppet premiered on Sesame Street (TOTAL SIDEBAR, but this is the sweetest quote from this article! “What's in a name? Well, for Ji-Young, the newest muppet resident of "Sesame Street," her name is a sign she was meant to live there. ‘So, in Korean traditionally the two syllables they each mean something different and Ji means, like, smart or wise. And Young means, like, brave or courageous and strong," Ji-Young explained during a recent interview. "But we were looking it up and guess what? Ji also means sesame.’" Cue me crying.)

The scientific revolution

Abolition of Man- CS Lewis

The Women’s March (in modern history, and 2017

A modern retelling of Little Women (the OG by Louisa May Alcott) the one my daughter was reading 

Deep Roots Bible curriculum 

Ontological value

The Chronicles of Narnia- CS Lewis

Elizabeth Urbanowicz worldview program

Pew Research

The Power to Decide campaign parents, do you think your kids are listening 

“Henry Danger”

“You Can’t Do That on Television” 

“Sponge Bob”

“The Simpsons”

“Everybody Loves Raymond”

Tabula Rasa

MBA conversation with Monica Cline who used to work for Planned Parenthood

Dorena Williamson- her books, our 3 episodes with her (Episode 10, 11, and 110

Our series on dealing with doubt with Patrick Prill, Tyler Staton, and Mark Clark


Scripture References:

Exodus 4:14-31- Aaron and Moses being brought together by God 

Psalm 127:4- We’re called to be warriors 

Genesis 1:27- We’re made in God’s image 

Psalm 139:14- We’re made perfectly and wonderfully 

Romans 2:12-16- For God has written the Law on our hearts

Mark 2:13-17- Calling of Levi and “eating with sinners”, John 4- Samaritan Woman, Mark 5-sitting with Legion after he was healed, healing a girl and the bleeding woman-just to name a few) -Jesus was with people as they were 

John 14:6- Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life

1 Corinthians 5- Paul talking about its not his business to judge those outside (This is a very specific and intense situation of sexual immorality within the church at Corinth and Paul’s like, “hey guys… let’s not focus on what the Corinithains are doing. Live like you belong to Jesus and let’s talk about THAT. Particularly vs 9-13 focus on this. Also, verses 9-10 makes me giggle.)

Romans 3:23- Everyone is born in sin 

Colossians 1:4-17, 1 Peter 1:13, Hebrews 10:23- The hope we have in Christ

Philippians 4:13- We can do all things through Christ

Isaiah 30:21- He is the voice behind us and says this is the way walk in it

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