Today I am sharing my conversation with the absolutely wonderful Becky Keife. Becky is wife, a Mom to 3 boys, an author and the community manager of the online (in)courage community. Today, Becky and I are talking about the topic of her latest book The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact. Kindness is something we desperately need and is a powerful gift that is underutilized and underestimated, and Becky lays out beautifully in her book and in this conversation the power of it, and how it ultimately reflects the heart of God. 

The idea of this book came from a small act of kindness years ago, but this book was written while watching the LACK of kindness in the world, the challenge of being kind quarantined at home with her family, and its just really beautiful and authentic. God knows we’re going to struggle with this. He knows the world is broken, and I especially wanted to share this now because so many people are smack in the middle of navigating the holidays and in the current environment of the world and even in the Church, it feels really really difficult to just even know how to people, and for many, what to make of God in the midst of it. So we’re going to talk about that. 

We also share some thoughts and suggestions for how to go into the holidays with a heart that asks questions first such as can I give this image bearer the dignity of compassion and kindness regardless of how we agree or disagree? On the other hand, we also want to hold proper space for asking good questions about necessary boundaries because those are real and important and healthy where appropriate. 

This is hard and holy work, y’all. I know the weariness is palpable in so many that I know, including myself. I hope this ministers to you, encourages you, challenges you, and equips you right where you are today. I really believe, the Lord is making Himself known in so many dark places, and as we transition into a season of the darkest part of the year, and we usher in space for Immanuel, God with us, I just wonder how we could powerfully proclaim His with-ness on this Earth with acts of compassion and kindness? No matter how big, or how small, I hope that wherever you try this out in your life, that is transforms YOU and makes the Lord feel closer and kinder in your own life. Because we all need that. We need to encounter God’s kindness, and to see His presence in our lives and in the lives of those around us because it has the power to transform all of us. He’s not finished here, friends. This is not how the story ends. Just remember: you matter, your story matters.

Connecting with Becky: 







Episode Sponsor: Tony Crabtree of Crabtree Homes with Exit Realty 

Home buyer guide:

Seller guide:









Lisa Jo Baker 

Courageous Kindness: Live the Simple Difference Right Where You Are (bible study Becky wrote to accompany The Simple Difference:How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact.)

Great article from Bible Study tool on : Neighbor was a more general term for person. Neighbor and non neighbor would be synonymous with Jew and Gentile (non-Jew)

Who are the Samaritans? 

(in)courage walking through kindness 


Scripture References:

-Psalm 100:5, Galatians 5:22-23, Titus 3:4-6 (to name a few)- Our God is kind 

-Psalm 25:3, 2 Timothy 1:7- He does not speak to us through shame

-Hebrews 12:6, Revelation 3:19 (to name a couple!)- He disciplines, corrects and encourages us to repentance

-Genesis 16:13- The first person who ever names Hagar and calls Him “El Roi”- “The God who sees me” Full story is Genesis 16 and also Genesis 21:8-20-- I mixed these 2 stories together when I talked about it. So sorry!

-Romans 2:4- The kindness of God leads us to repentance

-Luke 10:25-37- The Good Samaritan 

-Matthew 22:36-40- Second greatest commandment- love your neighbor

-Leviticus 26:1, Deuteronomy 12:4, and then THIS is a list of so many of the times that share a loaded history of trying to get the Jews to stop worshiping idols of other cultures

-Hagar (see above), Rahab, Ruth, A Cannanite woman, the Samaritan woman, An Ethiopian Eunuch, THE EARLY CHURCH- (etc, etc) -We see God fold in people from other cultures

-1 Kings 12- The division of Northern and Southern Kingdom 

-Matthew 9:10-17,Mark 2:15-22,Luke 5:29-39- Jesus eats with “sinners”

-Matthew 9:35-38, John 21:15-25, Acts 1:8, Acts 2, Acts 4:23-37- God invites us to show His care out of the overflow of the Holy Spirit 

-Romans 12:18-Inasmuch as it depends on you live peaceably with everyone 

-Genesis 1:27- We are made in God’s image

-Isaiah 6, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Thessalonians 2:4, - Christ’s ambassadors 

-Matthew 5:13-16-We are Christ’s Light bearers

-Luke 16:10- Being faithful with little

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