So honored to have such amazing guests on my Faith and Freedom show once again this week! Do not miss this one! We celebrate the true meaning of this Christmas season with my husband Ted Nugent, and how we can strengthen our faith in these times with Pastor Ben Graham. Laura Aboli discusses transhumanism, while Micheal Carmichael discusses the importance of showing up in support for our military veterans. Stick around to the end to find out you can join my free masterclass to rock your new year’s resolution!

[1:22] Rock and Roll legend Ted Nugent returns to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, emphasizing the importance of expressing love and affection to those in our lives; the importance of appreciating the positives in life and eliminating the negatives; childhood memories of Christmas celebrations with Ted’s family; his upbringing and how his parents instilled values of respect, decency, and responsibility [13:52] President of Graham Family Films Pastor Ben Graham joins to discuss the importance of shifting focus from materialism to spirituality during the Christmas season; the importance of centering one's life around the Lord during Christmas; the new movie "Christmas at Keystone”; the shift in Hollywood towards faith-based films that are also well-made and successful [24:00] Shemane welcomes UDIMAF founder Laura Aboli to highlight the elites' goal of eradicating humanity in a post-human world; Laura’s professional background and how she became aware of these nefarious plans; the importance of awareness and taking action to stop the erosion of humanity's purpose, strength, and meaning through the acceptance of transhumanism; warnings of a "dystopian future"; making conscious choices to protect our freedom and privacy; the importance of critical thinking and questioning authority in the face of increasing corruption and complacency. [37:53] Shemane introduces Michael Carmichael, founder of Check A Vet to speak to the isolation and loss of camaraderie faced by veterans, and the importance of fostering meaningful relationships to provide support and purpose; key stressors for veterans at risk of suicide; Shemane shares her experience visiting Brooke Army Medical Center; the importance of checking in and showing up for veterans, as well as recognizing that family members may need support too [44:20] Shemane announces her upcoming exclusive free workshop on January 2 and where you can join 



Ted Nugent – 

Watch Ted Nugent's Spirit Campfire


Purchase Official Ted Nugent Products

Watch Spirit of the Wild

Watch The Nightly Nuge

Join Hunter Nation

Purchase “My Pillow”


Ted’s Social Media: 


Instagram: @tednugentofficial

Facebook: @Ted Nugent


Dr. Ben Graham – 

Pastor Ben Graham

Graham Family Films


Laura Aboli –

Laura Aboli 


Michael Carmichael – 

Check A Vet 




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"4 Minutes to Happy"

Kill It and Grill It Cookbook


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