In this episode American Political Consultant Roger Stone discusses the politically motivated convictions against Trump and the fight to secure our elections. Comedy legend Victoria Jackson reflects on the impact of wokeness on comedy. Author Bill Donohue highlights the woke agenda’s effects on morality and society. Stick around to the end as Ray Higdon, CEO of the Higdon Group, shares his transformative experience in Israel and how faith reshaped his entrepreneurial journey. 

[1:13] American Political Consultant Roger Stone to discuss how Trump's felony convictions were politically motivated; the importance of securing elections and fighting against those who seek to undermine the Constitution; concern about political interference in the legal system and the potential for judges to be influenced by political ideologies

[13:50] Comedy legend Victoria Jackson, discusses the impact of wokeness on the comedy industry; self-deprecation as a way to avoid offending audiences; where you can listen to Victoria’s new album “When I Get to Nashville”

[25:30] Author, activist, and media personality Bill Donohue discusses the woke agenda and its impact on morality and society; moral absolutes and moral relatives; gender equality in sports, cultural meltdown in America, and the importance of trusting instincts over expert opinions; where you can get Bill’s new book “Cultural Meltdown”  

[36:15] CEO of the Higdon Group, Ray Higdon discusses his personal transformation after returning from Israel, including newfound awareness and desire to connect with others; how faith changed his life as an entrepreneur; his experience in Israel during October 7th; where you can find out more 

Resources : 


Roger Stone – 

The Stone Zone

The Stone ZONE on Rumble 

Twitter: @rogerjstonejr 


Victoria Jackson –

Victoria Jackson 

Instagram: @victoriajacksonofficial


Bill Donohue – 

Purchase "Cultural Meltdown" on Amazon


Ray Higdon –

The Faith Driven Network Marketer

Higdon Group

Instagram: @rayhigdon

Twitter: @rayhigdon




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