On Faith and Freedom, we're here to remind you that in the end, God wins, even though there are tough times ahead. Lt. Col. Pete Chambers discusses standing up against government and evil, with insights on the Remnant Ministry and efforts to combat child trafficking. Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals the hidden dangers and secret use of venom in popular products. Pastor Lucas Miles highlights "woke Christianity" and shares an exclusive look into his new book. Keith Mark of Hunter Nation discusses the importance of protecting hunting rights and voting. Stick around for an announcement on where you can watch a special roundtable discussion of the presidential debate with Ted Nugent, Shemane, Hunter Nation, and many more!


[1:17] Shemane and Lt. Col. Pete Chambers discuss the importance of standing up against evil in government and society; the Remnant Ministry, a team of former operators advancing the kingdom through community service and rescue missions; domestic internal defense, constitutional sheriffs, and the threat of CCP operatives in the USA; a plan to counter child trafficking; Operation Millstone; a prediction from Lt. Col. Pete Chambers; where you can find out more 

[12:37] Shemane welcomes the host of the Dr. Ardis Show, Dr. Bryan Ardis about EMF radiation and its effects on health; how the industry is secretly adding venom to drugs, vaccines, cosmetics, and insecticides without disclosing this to consumers; rattlesnake venom is used in vaccine production; where you can get information on the use of venom in medicine and the potential health risks associated with it

[25:09] Pastor Lucas Miles returns to discuss "woke Christianity" as a movement blending Christian faith with Marxist and pagan ideas; avoiding churches that deviate from biblical teachings; how woke ideology is a form of paganism; the importance of living in a state of constant prayer; being actively involved in spreading the gospel; a reminder to leaders of truth to push back against societal evils; an exclusive announcement and where you can learn more 

[37:55] Keith Mark, president and founder of Hunter nation, discusses the organization's efforts to protect hunting rights and promote voter registration among hunters; the importance of voting for hunters' lifestyle and future generations; how you can start; the importance of hunting and self-sufficiency; where you can watch a special roundtable discussion of the presidential debate


LTC (Ret.) Pete Chambers –

Dr. Pete C Chambers 

Telegram: @docpetechambers 


Dr. Bryan Ardis – 

Healing for the A.G.E.S Conference  

The Dr. Ardis Show 


Pastor Lucas Miles – 

Lucas Miles 

Instagram: @mrlucasmiles


Keith Mark – 

Hunter Nation 

Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild 

Instagram: @hunternation




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10am est on America’sVoice.News


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Check out Shemane’s books: 

Shemane’s new #1 Bestseller ‘Killer House’

"4 Minutes to Happy"

Kill It and Grill It Cookbook


Connect with Shemane:

Send your questions, suggestions, 

& funny pet videos to [email protected] 


Share your hunting photos & questions to

[email protected] 


Watch Killer House Documentary: KillerHouse.org

Get Wildly Well at shemanenugent.rocks


Shemane’s Social Media:

Facebook: @shemane.nugent Instagram: @shemanenugent Youtube: /shemane Truth Social @Shemane