We have Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton talking about the border crisis & why he’s going after big pharma, owner of Spero Protection Clothing Matt Landman shares how you can protect yourself from the health effects of 5G & chemtrails, The Medical Rebel Dr. Lee Merritt talks about a “new China virus”, and J6 Defendant Jeremy Rodgers shares his experience attending the "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington DC. There is a lot going on in the world, but remember the story of Esther in the Bible. Perhaps you were born for such a time as this.


[1:28] Shemane welcomes Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to highlight the Biden administration controversies and criticism for lack of border security and handling of illegal immigration; how policies are causing more crime and an increase in terrorist watch list individuals entering the country; lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies over COVID-19 vaccine safety, mandates, and effectiveness [13:49] Matt Landman, creator of Spero Protection Clothing, speaks out against 5g technology; the importance of community activism in preventing cell towers from being erected in neighborhoods; a checklist of steps to take; the health effects of 5G radiation, including depression and suicide; visit actualactivists.com as a resource for learning; where you can watch "Frankenskies" a movie about geoengineering and chemtrails; God's plan unfolds as darkness realizes light, choosing sides, and serving Him [24:46] Surgeon and author of “Surviving the Medical Meltdown”, Dr. Lee Merritt joins to discuss the cause of the pandemic outbreak in China; the cause of the 1918 pandemic; actions you can take such as cleaning up your diet, supplementing, and using chlorine dioxide to mitigate the effects of EMFs; the importance of recognizing the truth and taking back control of your life; Shemane shares her experience with her dog Happy’s diagnosis and recovery, crediting Dr. Lee Merritt's treatment protocol; the link between 5G and geoengineering to cancer [36:39] Shemane introduces Jeremy Rodgers, a father from Michigan, to discuss his experience attending the "Stop the Steal" rally in Washington DC on January 6 due to concerns about how the 2020 election was handled; his personal story of facing legal charges for speaking out against the government, and how you can help



Ken Paxton –

Office of the Attorney General


Matt Landman – 

Watch Frankenskies the Movie  

Purchase Spero EMF Protection 



Matt Landman’s social media:

Instagram: @fankenskiestour

Facebook: @landman80


Dr. Lee Merritt – 

The Medical Rebel


Jeremy Rogers – 

Rodgers Campaign



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Get EMF & WIFI protection with 

SperoGear & use the promo code "FAITH"


Activate stem cells & reset your body’s clock 

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Please send product inquiries to:

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Watch Faith & Freedom every Sunday, 

10am est on RealAmerica’sVoice.com


Organic natural products to help your family thrive with 

Rowe Casa Organics & use promo code “FAITH”


For a healthy & delicious on-the-go meal replacement, 

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Check out Shemane’s books: 

Shemane’s new #1 Bestseller ‘Killer House’

"4 Minutes to Happy"

Kill It and Grill It Cookbook


Connect with Shemane:


Send your questions, suggestions, 

& funny pet videos to [email protected] 


Share your hunting photos & questions to

[email protected] 


Register for a FREE 4 Day Mini Course:

4 Habits of Wildly Well Living


Watch Killer House Documentary: KillerHouse.org

Get Wildly Well at shemanenugent.rocks


Shemane’s Social Media:

Facebook: @shemane.nugent Instagram: @shemanenugent Youtube: /shemane Truth Social @Shemane


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