Welcome back to the show Clare Loughrige to continue the discussion on criticism in today’s world. Clare is a pastor, spiritual leader, and teacher of the Enneagram. Her work has helped many find their way to Christ through a better understanding of themselves. Criticism is everywhere. Especially these days when barbs float around various social media outlets and then pop up year after year after year. At no time in our past has there been greater access to our personal lives and information for anyone to see. As a result, anybody who has even an inkling of an online presence may fall victim to the keyboard warriors shouting insults from behind a computer screen. Through her greater understanding of how she responds in tense situations, Clare has developed the S-T-O-P method for dealing with the hurtful words of others. See the triggers and open your presence. In other words, take a moment to determine why this person is saying hurtful things to you. Figure out why you’re reacting to those hurtful words. Then open yourself up to the presence of the Lord and let Him guide your actions. More often than not, the reason someone is slinging barbs your way is due to their own unhealed wounds. It is not your responsibility to take on those hurts, but you do need to stand up for yourself in the right way, without spreading additional hate.  Clare has so many amazing tips and tricks for dealing with the never-ending onslaught of criticism in today’s world. Listen as she digs deep into the history of Christianity and the Enneagram and why finding ways to better understand ourselves is tantamount to better understanding the Lord. If you’ve been dealing with any criticism in your life, then you won’t want to miss this episode.   [00:22] Welcome Clare Loughrige back to the show to discuss the Enneagram and criticism. [01:21] Listen as Clare shares how the Enneagram has helped her be less critical of others. [04:03] This topic hits close to home as she had to deal with a naysayer recently. [05:55] Clare chats about the divisiveness present in today’s world and the role of social media. [07:23] Learn how you can use S-T-O-P to combat criticism. [10:20] Practice makes permanent, so practice S-T-O-P regularly! [12:58] How do criticism and the Enneagram correlate?  [16:47] Hear more about the criticism floating around about the Enneagram and Christianity. [20:20] Why are we stuck on the Enneagram as good or bad if it’s helping people become better versions of themselves?  [23:33] Clare’s friends from all walks and beliefs have read and connect with her book and God. [24:55] Connect with Clare and learn more about her training opportunities.    FIND SHEMANE ON: Shemane Nugent Shemane on Facebook Shemane on Instagram Shemane on Twitter Shemane on Pinterest Shemane on Youtube   LINKS: Clare’s Books Clare’s Website ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul Training Clare’s Podcast: Enneagram & Christianity Clare on FacebookClare on InstagramClare on Twitter CCM Online Enneagram Rhapsody

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