#69: Jonathan Pitts: How to Experience a Poured-Out Marriage

Shortly after Jonathan and Wynter Pitts celebrated fifteen years of marriage and in the midst a move from the Dallas area to Nashville, TN, Wynter's heart failed. She left Jonathan and their four daughters bewildered and heartbroken, but also hopeful.

In this episode, Jonathan will share about the last book he and Wynter wrote together, Emptied: Experiencing the Fullness of a Poured-Out Marriage. Even though we do talk about marriage in this episode, you will be encouraged whether or not you are married. Yes, we talk about marriage, but we're also going to be talking about suffering and how God does move and how he brings joy even in the midst of that suffering.

Get the links and show notes HERE: https://kristiclover.com/069

I know that you're going to love this episode with Jonathan! Get ready to be encouraged!