Identity fraud will continue to be a growing concern for us.  There are ways to protect yourself out there and one of those ways can be through your insurance policy.  Some insurance companies, including the one I am with, offer a rider on their homeowners policy or renters policy that offers active credit monitoring.  Learn […]

The post Protecting yourself against identity fraud appeared first on Dietz Agency.

Identity fraud will continue to be a growing concern for us.  There are ways to protect yourself out there and one of those ways can be through your insurance policy.  Some insurance companies, including the one I am with, offer a rider on their homeowners policy or renters policy that offers active credit monitoring.  Learn more about it in this 6 minute podcast.

Identity Sheild website

My website

Simply Explaining Insurance on iTunes

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Music by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

The post Protecting yourself against identity fraud appeared first on Dietz Agency.