In the Season One finale of 'Beyond the Pale Ale' we come full circle and back to Nashville where Matt chats with Ryan McKay from Living Waters Brewing.

Coming up on their One Year Anniversary Matt and Ryan chat about how plans changes, almost on a minute to minute basis, in 2020, and the state of beer, locally.

Living Waters is also a part of the 'Black is Beautiful' beer project, which now has over 1,000 breweries involved.

Honestly, it has been an honor to be able to work with some many great people on this project. While the subject matter isn't the happiest, hopefully 'Beyond the Pale Ale' has been able to translate how hard people are working in these unprecedented times and how they are adapting and evolving in ways that they never saw coming.

Between racial and social injustice, a pandemic that has brought our economy to it's knees and polarized politics, its been rough, but together, and we get through this.

Hopefully, when Season Two goes into production we have moved on and into better and more 'normal' times.

Remember to keep supporting your local bars, restaurants, breweries and distilleries in these tough and emotional times.

If you want to yell at Matt about his interviewing skills, or lack thereof, e-mail him at [email protected] or if you want to leave a general comment or maybe even want to throw your two-cents onto the show, e-mail [email protected]

Show Notes

Living Waters Brewing

Black is Beautiful Beer Project