The Simplistic Reviews Podcast is back from our August break and raring to go. And since we thought the show could use more of a fangirl touch, we got the biggest and best fangirl of them all, Jeanette Ward from The Mundane Adventures Of A Fangirl. And as gracious hosts, we immediately put Ms. Ward in the hot seat during another edition of Questions From The Crowd. The gang also go against their better nature while playing Say Anything. Shane Black, Cardi B Nicki Minaj Beef, and midichlorians...all things discussed on the latest episode of the Simplistic Reviews Podcast.



Ray Liotta Commercial

Nicki Minaj & Cardi B Fight

Glass Noodles

Blockbuster Video 



60's Blues Rock Kinda Thing By Aaron Tosti

Gold Medal By Sounds Like Sander

Fast Times Club By Idols