Edmond Lau is the author of the book, The Effective Engineer — now the de facto onboarding guide for many engineering teams. He's spent the past decade building and leading engineering teams at high-growth companies across Silicon Valley — including at Quip, Quora, Ooyala, and Google.

As an engineering leadership coach, Edmond has worked directly with CTO's, directors, managers, and other emerging leaders to unlock what's possible for them and their teams. He's run workshops and seminars at places like Pinterest, Google, Facebook, Quip, and Medium to raise the bar on what it means to be an effective engineering leader. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Time, Slate, Inc., Fortune, and Wired.

Edmond recently embarked on a new adventure with engineering-manager-turned-coach Jean Hsu to build the best leadership development brand out there for engineers and people in tech. They'll be taking the most valuable lessons they've learned from coaching 100+ tech leads, managers, directors, engineering VPs, and CTOs — and distilling them into simple frameworks, powerful workshops, and online experiences. Follow the journey at coleadership.com, where they'll be sharing everything they're learning.

On today's episode we discuss how to be an effective engineering leader, frameworks for improving your management skills and coaching for success.

Links Website: effectiveengineer.com / coleadership.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/edmondlau LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/effectiveengineer/ Show Notes

The Effective Engineer

Software Lead Weekly

The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change

High Output Management


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