Welcome to episode ONE of our new show joined by the beautiful Ashley every week from her podcast, Into the river.

5000 Miles will be a weekly hour long discussion on grab bag topics pulled from our MAGA hats! We are 5000 miles apart, but still want to find the time to have a bit of a "girls night in" and talk about the world. We did discuss a spin the wheel option - but thought topics out of MAGA hats was more fun. Ashley has no idea what my topics are and vice versa!

This episode's topics are kangaroos and climate change. Everything from expecting Kangaroos to be better at politics than those in "power now" to the fact they just BURY windmills when they destroy them. We hope you enjoy it!

Link to the documentary on Climate Change that Ash mentioned; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk11vI-7czE

DM us with topics to add to the hat for future episodes!

Where to find Ashley: 

Personal IG: @ashleyjo111

Podcast IG: @intotheriverpodcast

You can find me at:

Podcast IG: @raelnews

Main IG: @wehaveitall__17

Personal/Crossfit IG: @based_crossfitter

Health Coaching IG: @courageouslyheal