This week Brad Kearns is back in the hot seat as I had so much to ask him during our last conversation just a few weeks ago (you can listen to that podcast from August 4th HERE).

Specifically, I wanted to clarify questions I had about his book Two Meals a Day, chat more about the value of High Intensity Repeat Training (H.I.R.T) vs HIT training, and also take a deep dive into Brad's own daily routines and habits. 

Brad is always good value, and we got into it quickly as we chatted about:

Two Meals a Day = does this work for females and high volume endurance athletes?
Why you have to find a diet that works for you
Why you need to pick the right moment to start a Keto diet
Eating as much food as possible without gaining weight
Does H.I.R.T. training work for endurance athletes?
Brad’s morning routine and his 5-year streak without missing a day of practice
Strength training - micro workouts and why you should never be sore

You can find Brad on all of the usual social media channels. Start with his website HERE.

You can find all of his other social media links RIGHT HERE

Brad also has his own B.Rad podcast which you can find HERE

These are some of the books that Brad has written, and a book he's recommended:

Primal Endurance - I gifted this to over 20 clients and it had a profound impact on the lifestyle of many of them

Two Meals a Day - A simple, sustainable strategy to lose fat, reverse aging, and break free from diet frustration forever

The Four Tendencies, by Gretchen Rubin


Some of the other topics discussed today include:

Phil Maffetone, Working out and overfat

Dude Spellings, Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim

Craig Marker article, HIIT versus HIRT

Bard’s morning workout, done daily

Micro workouts - I love these and have been doing my own version now for the last 2 years

'You should never be sore'- video with Firas Zahabi

Pump Street Chocolate - Brad mentions this as his new favourite choice for dark chocolate

If you're a meat-eater then take a look at this chart, Carnivore Scores

Take a 30 day trial in my SWAT Inner Circle for just £1. Watch this video for more information.

Purchase a copy of my High Performance Human e-book featuring more than 30 top tips on how to upgrade your life.

If you would like to help offset the cost of our podcast production, we would be so grateful.  Please click here to support the HPH podcast.  Thank you!

Visit Simon's website for more information about his coaching programmes.  Links to all of Simon's social media channels can be found here.  For any questions please email [email protected].