They say we all have a book in us. The trouble is that most of us never take the time to commit our thoughts or life experiences to paper. If you did it might turn out to be witty, insightful, life-changing. Today's guest Brock Gibbs did just that as he recounts his triathlon experiences in the book “My Co-workers Think I’m a Pro”. If you've been on your own triathlon journey then I’m sure you’ll find a lot of similarities with Brock’s story as we chat about:

The frustration of injury
Triathlon terminology, training kit, racing - from feeling like an outsider to becoming part of the in-crowd
Why you hate the volunteers & spectators when you are having a bad day
Training - why just doing more and harder probably isn’t the right way
A pre-race nutrition like you’ve never heard before and why you shouldn’t drink in the bath
Is it really necessary to deflate and then inflate tyres in T1?
The pre-race port-a-loo lineup
Mentoring newbies in T1?
Brock's advice to other newbies doing their first triathlon?

If you would like to purchase a copy of Brock’s book, go to "My Co-workers think I’m a pro"

You can also purchase at Waterstones


Brock has a blog that he tries to add to every two weeks and this will be the basis for his next book

You can also find Brock on Instagram -



Brock also recommended a couple of his favourite books:

Draft Animals: Living The Pro Cycling Dream by Phil Gaimon and 

Shadows On The Road: Life At The Heart Of The Peloton by Michael Barry.


We also chatted about...

The Julie Moss and the famous crawl at Ironman Hawaii - if you’ve never watched this it's inspiring and traumatic

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