Kettlebells are not a new phenomenon but they have enjoyed an upsurge in popularity over the last 10-15 years. I’ve have been a fan for the last 8-9 years ever since attending a court in Yorkshire, delivered by today’s guest. Steve Cotter is one of the founding fathers of the recent revival and now heads up his own Kettlebell Organisation - IKFF.  Steve Cotter has literally written the book on Kettlebell Training.

As you will hear in this conversation Steve isn’t just passionate about kettlebells, he loves to teach and share his unique experience to promote health, happiness, and longevity through fitness.

This is a longer than normal chat because we disappear down a few rabbit holes but I think you will really enjoy this conversation as we discuss:

Why Steve’s biggest inspiration is provided by mothers

How to get started with kettlebells even if you are a complete novice to lifting

Why you ONLY need to learn 5 basic exercises to get a great kettlebell workout

How you can develop the perfect triathlon strength workout with just 3 x 10 minutes per week

Steve also mentioned many other training forms and practices in our conversation including:

Wim Hof and the Wim Hof Method

6 phase meditation with Vishen Lakhiani of MindValley

The Omvana meditation app

The Weck Method

The Book - 1421, The Year China discovered the world

Below are links to the basic Kettlebell exercises, including one hand & two hand swings & Kettlebell cleans:

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