In this episode, Steve Lasker of the Silverlight team joins John on Silverlight TV to discuss data and business features with Silverlight. Steve dives into some of his favorite features and shows off a great demo. National Instruments was gracious enough to permit Steve to show their Lab View product on the show. Steve shows how Lab View uses a ton of features and creates a very rich experience so the application can do things such as monitor fluid tank levels or monitor a building's stability. This is a great example of a robust business application that takes advantage of Windows features with Silverlight.

If you are going to be at MIX11 this year, be sure to say hi to Steve—he'll be there!

Relevant links:

John's blog and on Twitter (@john_papa) Steve's blog Silverlight team on Twitter (@silverlight)

Very special thanks to Christopher Cifra at National Instruments for letting us demo their Lab View product. You can see if for yourselves at

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