Previous Episode: 202: Iron Fist Season One

Tale as old as time…song as old as rhyme…you know the rest. For our generation, the 1991 animated Beauty and the Beast is a classic. Not just ‘good for an kids movie’, it was wildly successful at the box office, became the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture and won Oscars for its score and title song. Now that the kids who watched that film have grown up and have kids of their own to take to the movies, Disney has remade it in a live action version starring Emma Watson, whose singing ability (or lack thereof) has caused some consternation in the lead up to its release. It (among other things) also caused some consternation among your podcast hosts.

Tale as old as time…song as old as rhyme…you know the rest. For our generation, the 1991 animated Beauty and the Beast is a classic. Not just ‘good for an kids movie’, it was wildly successful at the box office, became the first animated film to be nominated for Best Picture and won Oscars for its score and title song. Now that the kids who watched that film have grown up and have kids of their own to take to the movies, Disney has remade it in a live action version starring Emma Watson, whose singing ability (or lack thereof) has caused some consternation in the lead up to its release. It (among other things) also caused some consternation among your podcast hosts.

Show notes:Beauty and the Beast (2017) - IMDbBeauty and the Beast (1991) - IMDbThe Guest (2014) - IMDb

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