Previous Episode: 27: Yabba-Dabba-Don't!
Next Episode: 29: Fresh Start

Here's a head-scratcher. The Justice maxi-series by Jim Krueger, Alex Ross, Doug Braithwaite, Todd Klein, and Joey Cavalieri did not feature Booster Gold or Captain Atom. So why are we reviewing issue nine? Because this podcasting community is freaking awesome! The JLMay event organizers found a back-door way to include Jay and Roy.

This crossover began with Fire & Water #193, then continued into Super Mates #70, The Idol-Head of Diabolu #30, Views from the Longbox #263, Pulp 2 Pixel, The LanternCast, and Shazamcast before landing here at Silver & Gold Podcast. We do our best with this comic before passing the torch on to Power of Fishnets, Waiting for Doom, and Justice's First Dawn. 

Fingers crossed that we'll be back for JLMay 2018!