In this Silicon Valley Tech & AI episode presented by GSD Venture Studios Gary Fowler interviews Uria Fiano.


Uria Fiano, Strategic Advisor and Startup Mentor  

Uria Fiano is a strategy expert and independent board advisor with 15 years of experience driving successful go-to-market, growth and expansion plans of Israeli and European tech startups. Driven by his enthusiasm for innovation and human relations, Uria helps CEOs and leadership teams of early and growth stage startups to anticipate and solve as many challenges as possible in their strategic outlook and roadmaps. Uria co-founded his first 3 startups back in 2002 and very soon he realized that his true passion is working as an advisor side by side with founders and investors, especially when he can leverage his international and multi-sector experience to help startups achieve killer execution. In addition to his role as a board advisor, Uria’s concrete commitment to the innovation ecosystem as a mentor and coach has been recognised by leading accelerators as When he is not busy guiding founders through their challenges, you can find Uria playing bass guitar in Tel Aviv or (more often) running after his two fantastic kids in Milan, Italy.