Ready to revolutionize workplace culture?
Join the discussion with Leo Ramirez, CEO of Encast Inc., as we explore the power of aligning businesses with their most vital asset - people.

Leo Ramirez, Co-Founder and CEO, Encast

Leo has been the CEO and Co-Founder of Encast Inc. since 2014, a social venture that aligns businesses with their most important asset: people. Through philanthropic activities in the workplace, he and his team provide values-based analytics that help businesses develop more aligned employee and customer-centric programs, which in turn, boost culture, brand, retention, and profitability.

With over 29 years of experience in launching and managing social ventures, Leo is a passionate and visionary leader who leverages his expertise in consulting, mentoring, and analytical skills to create positive social impact, inclusion, and community engagement. He is also an active advisor, board member, and volunteer for several organizations, an Executive Coach and Certified Facilitator, and a graduate and mentor of the Stanford Latino Entrepreneur Initiative Education Program.

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