#australialistens Meet one of the many volunteers at Melbourne silicon beach and discover the benefits of volunteering and how you can gain from being a member of Melbourne silicon beach.

EATT is a proud supporter of Silicon Beach Radio https://eattmag.com/silicon-beach-radio/ Learn more about our latest educational programs https://eattmag.com/news/

Katie, a networker, retoucher, accountant, photographer and unsettled wonderer.

Katie has previously been involved in volunteering with Melbourne Silicon Beach, has dabbled in trades from all areas and is always keen to get involved in new and exciting opportunities. Currently, Katie has taken her love of networking to the web where she is aiming to utilise her skills to create the digital nomad lifestyle for herself and other people.

Katie is always looking to network with other entrepreneurial  people like herself.   Volunteer with Silicon Beach   Contact us for more details https://siliconbeachoz.net/feedback/

We also offer Sponsorship opportunities only to companies, organizations, startups and small businesses that benefit our community. If we think your service or product does not benefit our community or it is not the right fit, we will tell you upfront. You will be better off spending your sponsorship dollars elsewhere.

Please note our sponsorships are non-exclusive. You may find other organizations that are your ‘competitors’ sponsoring us. That is part and parcel of building a healthy startup ecosystem. We must all pull together to build and grow the eco-system.

If this is a problem for your business or organization, then we are sorry, you cannot be our sponsor. Sponsorship rates vary from year to year, please contact us for the latest updates


Minimum sponsorship commitment is 3 months – it’s the optimum time needed to create proper engagement and obtain mind share. Talk to us about monthly payment plans — available for bootstrapping Australian startups and freshly launched small businesses (less than 12 months in operation).

So how do I sponsor?

Glad you asked.

Send us an email to https://siliconbeachoz.net/feedback/ or join our Slack channel and tell us you would like to sponsor us.

Someone from our leadership team will get in touch with you, pronto. Join the Silicon Beach Community on Slack! http://slack.siliconbeach.community/

What will you get for your sponsorship dollar?

1) Your sponsorship will be announced to members through an introductory EDM via Meetup.com’s email gateway (Meetup does not reveal the email addresses of our members to us). Sponsors get 2 EDMs per month for the duration of their sponsorship.

2) Your logo displayed on our website (currently under construction) linked to your website. We will also display your logo on your event pages on Meetup.com

3) Co-branded and co-hosted events. These events will be listed on MSB Meetup, our website (currently in beta), Eventbrite and SiliconCalander. Events should be beneficial and/or educational to our community. Events may be held at your premises or the premises of our Event Partners. We are constantly adding event partners. Please ask us for the current list of event spaces.

4) Acknowledgment at our MSB Drinks & Pitch Night which are videoed and uploaded to our SB TV YouTube channel and also live-streamed via SB Radio podcast. If you are in Melbourne, drop in at the Next Pitch Night and we will give all sponsors a chance to do a Sponsors’ Pitch (2 to 3 mins long) just before the 90second pitches start. Our members present will give you a special cheer!

5) Exposure and acknowledgment as a sponsor via SiliconNews through our high traffic projects —  SiliconCalendar

SiliconJobs and more yet to launch (SiliconSchool, SiliconCare, etc)

6) Exposure and acknowledgment as a sponsor via our social media channels – Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

7) The warm and fuzzy feeling you get from knowing you are supporting Melbourne’s (And Australia’s) startup eco-system and contributing to our efforts of #EmpoweringFounders

8) The even warmer and fuzzier feeling you get from knowing that you are one of the pioneers supporting the early startup phase of Australia’s answer to Silicon Valley — connected Silicon Beach communities around Australia. Some of these founders could be the millionaires and billionaires of the future – imagine them knowing that it was your startup, small business or professional service that supported them in their early days!

9) Want even more bang for your sponsorship dollar? Talk to us.

We are listening. We are ever willing to accommodate all reasonable requests! What will we do with the funds? Glad you asked. Your funds will help us incorporate Silicon Beach into a Not For Profit company so that we can be financially sustainable into the future. It will keep Silicon Beach TV, Silicon Beach Radio and SiliconNews running.

We recently launched SiliconCare, a project to look after the mental health of everyone in our community and help build resilience. Another project in the pipeline is SiliconSchool, which will store all the educational content we are creating, online. All this requires funds.

Even though our community is 100% volunteer-run, there are bills to be paid and things to be bought. $iliconJar, a full transparency report will soon be implemented for the benefit of sponsors as well as the general public to see how your funds are used. Your sponsorship will help us open Silicon Beach communities in regional & rural Australia – we already opened Geelong, Ballarat & Launceston Silicon Beaches and more recently, Adelaide & Brisbane.

And we are going to the Asia Pacific with the opening of Manila Silicon Beach!

Have questions? Join us on Slack and chat to the team or if you prefer, email https://siliconbeachoz.net/feedback/ 


Looking forward to your sponsorship and thanks in advance.

See you at the Beach!

Team Silicon Beach #EmpoweringFounders #Angel Investors #Siliconsponsor #Sponsorship #Founders #Silicon Beach